兩邊的前次修訂版 前次修改 下次修改 | 前次修改 | ||
wiki:syntax [2022/01/05 12:04] – 中文版 hank | wiki:syntax [2024/08/19 13:34] (目前版本) – 外部編輯 | ||
行 1: | 行 1: | ||
- | ====== | + | ====== |
- | [[DokuWiki]]支援簡單的語法,使檔案容易閱讀。本頁包含了您在編輯頁面時可以使用的語法。點選在頁面頂端或底端的「編輯本頁」按鈕,可觀看這一頁的原始檔。如要實驗,請移玉步至[[playground: | + | [[doku>DokuWiki]] |
- | 歡迎各位中文使用者把本頁的原始碼抄下,並貼至您wiki系統裏的[[wiki: | + | |
- | ===== 基本文字格式 | + | ===== Basic Text Formatting |
- | DokuWiki支援**粗體**、//斜體//、__底線__、'' | + | DokuWiki |
- | ^文字格式^原始寫法^輸出效果^ | + | DokuWiki supports |
- | |粗體|%%**粗體bold**%%|**粗體bold**| | + | Of course you can **__//'' |
- | |斜體|%%//斜體italic//%%|// | + | |
- | |底線|%%__底線underlined__%%|__底線underlined__| | + | |
- | |英文等寬體|%%'' | + | |
- | |上標|%%y = x< | + | |
- | |下標|%%H< | + | |
- | |刪除線|%%< | + | |
- | DokuWiki使用**空行**來區分**段落**,段落與段落間會有明顯的空間以作分隔。 | + | You can use < |
- | 若您要**強制換行**而不開新段落,您可以使用兩個倒斜線,加一個空格或Enter作爲標記。請看示範: | + | You can use < |
- | 這是一些有換行標記的文字。\\ 請注意: | + | You can mark something as < |
- | 兩個倒斜線只在Enter之前\\ | + | |
- | 或者接在\\ 一個空格之前,才會有效。\\而這樣就並不起作用。 | + | |
- | | + | |
- | 兩個倒斜線只在Enter之前\\ | + | |
- | 或者接在\\ 一個空格之前,才會有效。\\而這樣就並不起作用。 | + | |
- | ===== 連結 ===== | + | **Paragraphs** are created from blank lines. If you want to **force a newline** without a paragraph, you can use two backslashes followed by a whitespace or the end of line. |
- | DokuWiki__可使用多種型態的連結。__介紹如下: | + | This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the |
+ | two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\ | ||
+ | or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. | ||
- | ==== 外部連結 ==== | + | This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the |
+ | two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\ | ||
+ | or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. | ||
- | DokuWiki會自動標別外部連結,例如http:// | + | You should use forced newlines only if really needed. |
- | DokuWiki會自動標別外部連結,例如http:// | + | ===== Links ===== |
- | 您也可把頁面設定成連結:[[http:// | + | |
- | 連電子郵件也可以用< | + | |
- | ==== 內部連結 ==== | + | DokuWiki supports multiple ways of creating links. |
- | 您可以用兩組方括號包裹要連結的頁面名稱,產生內部連結。可以直接括起[[頁面名稱]],或改爲顯示該連結的[[頁面名稱|說明文字]]。 | + | ==== External ==== |
- | 您可以用兩個方括號包裹要連結的頁面名稱,產生內部連結。 | + | External links are recognized automagically: |
- | 可以直接括起[[頁面名稱]],或改爲顯示該連結的[[頁面名稱|說明文字]]。 | + | |
- | 頁面名稱裏的大寫英文字母會自動變成小寫字母,並且不支援特殊符號。 | + | DokuWiki supports multiple ways of creating links. External links are recognized |
+ | automagically: | ||
+ | link text as well: [[http:// | ||
+ | addresses like this one: < | ||
- | 您也可以使用半形冒號「: | + | ==== Internal ==== |
- | 您也可以使用半形冒號「: | + | Internal links are created by using square brackets. You can either just give a [[pagename]] or use an additional [[pagename|link text]]. |
- | 若想深入了解分類名稱(namespaces,或稱命名空間),請見[[doku> | + | Internal links are created by using square brackets. You can either just give |
+ | a [[pagename]] or use an additional [[pagename|link text]]. | ||
- | 您也可以直接連結某個頁面的某章節段落。就像HTML一樣,只要在該頁後面加上「# | + | [[doku> |
- | 這會連到[[syntax# | + | You can use [[some: |
- | | + | |
- | 請注意: | + | For details about namespaces see [[doku> |
- | * [[syntax|已存在的頁面]]與[[不存在的頁面]]會以不同方式呈現。具體呈現方式,取決於您的style.css裏CSS之設定。 | + | Linking to a specific section is possible, too. Just add the section name behind a hash character as known from HTML. This links to [[syntax#internal|this Section]]. |
- | * DokuWiki不會自動替[[wp> | + | |
- | - 駝峰文字(CamelCase)簡言之就是「幾個英文單字之間緊接著而沒有空格」所組成的詞彙,但每個單字的首字大寫,狀如駝峰([[dict> | + | |
- | - 若在[[doku> | + | |
- | * 若章節所在的頁面標題改變了,其連結也會跟着改變。因此請別過度依賴章節連結功能。 | + | |
- | * 此外,可參考[[doku> | + | |
- | ==== Wiki間的互連 ==== | + | This links to [[syntax# |
- | DokuWiki支援[[doku> | + | Notes: |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
+ | * When a section' | ||
- | 此外還可運用: | + | ==== Interwiki ==== |
- | ^原始寫法^出現的結果^說明^ | + | DokuWiki supports |
- | |%%[[%%google>Wiki%%]]%%|[[google> | + | |
- | |%%[[%%wp> | + | |
- | |%%[[Meatball> | + | |
- | |%%[[phpfn> | + | |
- | |%%[[JspWiki> | + | |
- | |%%[[FreeBSDman> | + | |
- | |%%[[man> | + | |
- | |%%[[rfc> | + | |
- | |%%[[amazon> | + | |
- | |%%[[dict> | + | |
- | |%%[[imdb> | + | |
- | |%%[[GoogleGroups> | + | |
- | |%%[[bug> | + | |
- | 備註:此外,還有多種變化,請自行參見下列有關'' | + | |
- | InterWiki可透過'' | + | |
+ | For example this is a link to Wikipedia' | ||
- | ^捷徑名稱{NAME}^網址{URL}^ | + | ==== Windows Shares ==== |
- | |wp |http:// | + | |
- | |wpzh |http:// | + | |
- | |wpjp |http:// | + | |
- | |wpde |http:// | + | |
- | 若不想用預設的圖示,那麼可在'' | + | Windows shares like [[\\server\share|this]] are recognized, too. Please note that these only make sense in a homogeneous user group like a corporate [[wp> |
- | ==== 網路芳鄰分享的連結 ==== | + | Windows Shares like [[\\server\share|this]] are recognized, too. |
- | 微軟Windows主機使用SMB((Server Message Block))協定,或稱爲CIFS((CommonInternet File System))的協定。協定可讓Windows主機把另一Windows主機目錄檔案,當成是本機上的目錄檔案般使用。這就是網路芳鄰分享。這協定亦可用於互聯網。位於不同網段的Windows主機,若在傳送過程中未有其他的網路設備阻擋的話,也可使用此協定,進行目錄檔案的分享。其他作業系統,例如FreeBSD、Linux等,也可透過相關的Samba軟件,以使用這項功能。 | + | Notes: |
- | 網芳資源可用[[\\server\share|這樣子]]來進行連結。 | + | |
- | + | * For Mozilla | |
- | 網芳資源可用[[\\server\share|這樣子]]來進行連結。 | + | <?php |
- | + | /** | |
- | 另外可參考[[wp> | + | * Customization of the english language file |
- | + | * Copy only the strings that needs to be modified | |
- | 千萬要注意: | + | */ |
- | + | $lang[' | |
- | | + | </ |
- | * 請注意相關安全問題:鑑於SMB協定具有相當的便利性,但設定不夠完善的Windows主機(如密碼設定不夠安全,或者未設定密碼)常讓外界使用者經此網路芳鄰分享,泄漏區域網路內相關檔案或系統上的機密資訊,甚至讓網路駭客完全控制該部主機。譬如2001年中的Nimda病毒,就是經由網路芳鄰的方式,散佈病毒至另一台保護不週的Windows主機上,造成感染病毒的速度加快。所以,經由開放網路芳鄰分享於外界使用者,來增加與其他單位(如所屬機關、外部辦公室或駐外機構)的聯繫方便時,亦可能形成安全上的漏洞,尤其是對保護不週的Windows主機而言。 | + | |
- | * Mozilla和Firefox的使用者,可採用[[http:// | + | |
- | + | ||
- | $lang[' | + | |
- | + | ||
- | ==== 圖片連結 ==== | + | |
- | + | ||
- | 您也可透過圖片來連到wiki內部的頁面,或者其他URL,比如: | + | |
- | [[http:// | + | ==== Image Links ==== |
- | [[http:// | + | You can also use an image to link to another internal or external page by combining the syntax for links and [[# |
- | 注意:在%%[[%%網址%%|%%連結名稱%%]]%%的「連結名稱」處,若使用「%%{{%%%%}}%%」的話,則只能輸入圖片檔案名稱。 | + | |
- | DokuWiki支援完整的圖像和連結語法,包括圖像大小調整、內部和外部的圖像與連結,以及wiki內連結。 | + | [[http:// |
- | ===== 註解 ===== | + | Please note: The image formatting is the only formatting syntax accepted in link names. |
- | 您可以隨意增加註解((這是一個註解。))。只要用兩組圓括號括着註解文字即可。 | + | The whole [[# |
- | 您可以隨意增加註解((這是一個註解。))。只要用兩組圓括號括着註解文字即可。 | + | ===== Footnotes ===== |
- | ===== 目錄的層次結構 ===== | + | You can add footnotes ((This is a footnote)) by using double parentheses. |
- | 層次分明的內容、有條不絮的說明文字,總是最能令人消化吸收的。 | + | You can add footnotes ((This is a footnote)) by using double parentheses. |
- | 我們可以透過設定最多五種不同層次的標題,來自動建構出目錄表。若該頁內有至少三個層次的標題,DokuWiki就會自動產生相對應的目錄表(table of contents,簡稱TOC)。若不想在該頁面顯示目錄表,只要在文章開頭輸入%%~~NOTOC~~%%即可。 | + | ===== Sectioning ===== |
- | 標題是在左右各以等號「=」標示,從兩個到六個等號,每增多一個等號,就代表更高層次的標題。有六個等號是「第一級標題層次」,而本節目前是%%===== 目錄的層次結構 =====%%,也就是「第二級標題層次」。請見示範: | + | You can use up to five different levels of headlines to structure your content. If you have more than three headlines, a table of contents is generated automatically -- this can be disabled by including the string ''< |
- | ==== 第三級標題層次 | + | ==== Headline Level 3 ==== |
- | === 第四級標題層次 | + | === Headline Level 4 === |
- | == 第五級標題層次 | + | == Headline Level 5 == |
- | ==== 第三級標題層次 | + | ==== Headline Level 3 ==== |
- | === 第四級標題層次 | + | === Headline Level 4 === |
- | == 第五級標題層次 | + | == Headline Level 5 == |
- | 另外,使用連續四個短折號「-」,組成「%%----%%」,即可產生水平線。如: | + | By using four or more dashes, you can make a horizontal line: |
---- | ---- | ||
- | ===== 內嵌圖片和其他檔案 | + | ===== Media Files ===== |
- | 您可以用兩組花括號「%%{{%% %%}}%%」,在頁面中加入外部或內部的[[doku>zh-tw:images|圖片]]。您還可以指定它們的大小。 | + | You can include external and internal |
- | 原始大小: {{wiki: | + | Real size: {{wiki: |
- | 縮放爲自訂的寬度(50 pixel): {{wiki: | + | Resize to given width: {{wiki: |
- | 縮放爲自訂的大小(200×50)((若指定的長寬比與圖片本身不一致,在調整圖片大小前,它將被裁剪到新的比例。)): {{wiki: | + | Resize to given width and height((when the aspect ratio of the given width and height doesn' |
- | 縮放外部連結的影像(100×100): | + | Resized external image: {{https://www.php.net/ |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | | + | |
- | 使用左空格或右空格,您可以選擇對齊方式。請看示範: | + | |
+ | By using left or right whitespaces you can choose the alignment. | ||
{{ wiki: | {{ wiki: | ||
行 191: | 行 157: | ||
{{ wiki: | {{ wiki: | ||
- | 上方的示範中,第一行把圖片置右,第二行把圖片置左,第三行則把圖片置中。 | + | Of course, you can add a title (displayed as a tooltip by most browsers), too. |
- | 還可在圖片上加上說明文字(在多數的瀏覽器上,滑鼠移到該圖上則會顯示)。 | + | {{ wiki: |
- | {{ wiki: | + | |
- | {{ wiki: | + | For linking an image to another page see [[#Image Links]] above. |
- | 若您所指定的檔案(無論是內部或外部連結)並不是圖片(即非GIF、JPEG、PNG這三種格式類型),那麼「這是該圖的說明」那段文字會被當作連結顯示出來,效果等同HTML中的%%< | + | ==== Supported Media Formats ==== |
- | 要把圖片連至其他頁面,參看上方[[syntax# | + | DokuWiki can embed the following media formats directly. |
- | ===== 項目表 ===== | + | | Image | '' |
+ | | Video | '' | ||
+ | | Audio | '' | ||
+ | | Flash | '' | ||
- | DokuWiki可使用項目表有兩種型態:數字及符號表。要建立項目表的話,在該行前面先空出兩格,然後加上「%%*%%」即可產生符號項目表。若用「%%-%%」則會產生數字項目表。 | + | If you specify a filename that is not a supported media format, then it will be displayed as a link instead. |
- | *這是項目表 | + | By adding ''? |
- | * 然而 | + | |
- | * 也可以用不同層次的項目表來表達 | + | |
- | * 其他 | + | |
- | - 這也一樣是項目表,不過前面會加上編號 | + | |
- | - 第二項 | + | |
- | - 只要在 '' | + | |
- | - 第三項 | + | |
- | | + | {{wiki: |
- | < | + | ==== Fallback Formats ==== |
- | *這是項目表 | + | |
- | * 然而 | + | |
- | * 也可以用不同層次的項目表來表達 | + | |
- | * 其他 | + | |
- | - 這也一樣是項目表,不過前面會加上編號 | + | Unfortunately not all browsers understand all video and audio formats. To mitigate the problem, you can upload your file in different formats for maximum browser compatibility. |
- | - 第二項 | + | |
- | - 只要在 '' | + | |
- | - 第三項 | + | |
- | - 空行,則會結束列表,重新起算編號。 | + | For example consider this embedded mp4 video: |
- | </ | + | |
- | 更詳盡的說明,請看[[doku> | + | {{video.mp4|A funny video}} |
- | ===== 文本轉換 ===== | + | When you upload a '' |
- | DokuWiki可以將預定義的字符或者字符串轉換成圖片、其他文本或HTML。 | + | Additionally |
- | 文本到圖片的轉換,主要用作表情符號。文本到HTML的轉換,多用於顯示符號替換,但也可以配置爲使用其他HTML。 | + | ===== Lists ===== |
- | ==== 文本到圖片的轉換 ==== | + | Dokuwiki supports ordered and unordered lists. To create a list item, indent your text by two spaces and use a '' |
- | DokuWiki支援一些[[doku> | + | * This is a list |
+ | * The second item | ||
+ | * You may have different levels | ||
+ | * Another item | ||
- | Dokuwiki已內建了一些表情符號,例如輸入「%%^_^%%」,就會顯示出大家很熟悉的笑臉:^_^。以下是目前DokuWiki其他內建的表情符號列表: | + | - The same list but ordered |
+ | - Another item | ||
+ | - Just use indention for deeper levels | ||
+ | - That's it | ||
- | ^原始寫法^輸出效果^ | + | < |
- | |%%8-)%%|8-)| | + | * This is a list |
- | |%%8-O%%|8-O| | + | * The second item |
- | |%%: | + | * You may have different levels |
- | |%%: | + | * Another item |
- | |%%=)%%|=)| | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%; | + | |
- | |%%:?: | + | |
- | |%%: | + | |
- | |%%LOL%%|LOL| | + | |
- | |%%FIXME%%|FIXME| | + | |
- | |%%DELETEME%%|DELETEME| | + | |
- | ==== 文本到顯示符號的轉換 ==== | + | - The same list but ordered |
+ | - Another item | ||
+ | - Just use indention for deeper levels | ||
+ | - That's it | ||
+ | </ | ||
- | DokuWiki可將特定字符轉換爲顯示時所用的樣式。以下是部份可識別字符的例子: | + | Also take a look at the [[doku> |
- | ^原始寫法^輸出效果^ | + | ===== Text Conversions ===== |
- | |%%-> | + | |
- | |%%< | + | |
- | |%%< | + | |
- | |%%=>%%|=>| | + | |
- | |%%<=%%|<=| | + | |
- | |%%<=>%%|<=>| | + | |
- | |%%>> | + | |
- | |%%<< | + | |
- | |%%--%%|--| | + | |
- | |%%---%%|---| | + | |
- | |%%640x480%%|640x480| | + | |
- | |%%(c)%%|(c)| | + | |
- | |%%(tm)%%|(tm)| | + | |
- | |%%(r)%%|(r)| | + | |
- | DokuWiki也可以自動辨別英文引號的開關。例如這一句: | + | DokuWiki |
+ | |||
+ | The text to image conversion is mainly done for smileys. And the text to HTML conversion is used for typography replacements, | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Text to Image Conversions ==== | ||
+ | |||
+ | DokuWiki converts commonly used [[wp> | ||
+ | |||
+ | * 8-) %% 8-) %% | ||
+ | * 8-O %% 8-O %% | ||
+ | * :-( %% :-( %% | ||
+ | * :-) %% :-) %% | ||
+ | * =) %% =) %% | ||
+ | * :-/ %% :-/ %% | ||
+ | * :-\ %% :-\ %% | ||
+ | * :-? %% :-? %% | ||
+ | * :-D %% :-D %% | ||
+ | * :-P %% :-P %% | ||
+ | * :-O %% :-O %% | ||
+ | * :-X %% :-X %% | ||
+ | * :-| %% :-| %% | ||
+ | * ;-) %% ;-) %% | ||
+ | * ^_^ %% ^_^ %% | ||
+ | * m( %% m( %% | ||
+ | * :?: %% :?: %% | ||
+ | * :!: %% :!: %% | ||
+ | * LOL %% LOL %% | ||
+ | * FIXME %% FIXME %% | ||
+ | * DELETEME %% DELETEME %% | ||
+ | |||
+ | ==== Text to HTML Conversions ==== | ||
+ | |||
+ | Typography: [[DokuWiki]] can convert simple text characters to their typographically correct entities. Here is an example of recognized characters. | ||
+ | |||
+ | -> <- <-> => <= <=> >> << -- --- 640x480 (c) (tm) (r) | ||
"He thought ' | "He thought ' | ||
- | 它的原始碼就是: | ||
- | | + | < |
+ | -> <- <-> => <= <=> >> << -- --- 640x480 (c) (tm) (r) | ||
+ | "He thought ' | ||
+ | </ | ||
- | 您可以到[[doku>zh-tw:entities|模式文件]]裏添加顯示符號之轉換。 | + | The same can be done to produce any kind of HTML, it just needs to be added to the [[doku> |
- | 然而,上述例子中,有三個符號並非來自模式文件。它們是:乘號、英文單引號和英文雙引號。您可到[[doku> | + | There are three exceptions which do not come from that pattern file: multiplication entity (640x480), ' |
- | ===== 層次標示 | + | ===== Quoting |
- | 有時候(特別是討論時)您想把某些文字(尤爲各次的回覆)標示作不同的層次,您可以使用下列的語法: | + | Some times you want to mark some text to show it's a reply or comment. You can use the following syntax: |
- | 我想我們應該這麼做 | + | <code> |
- | + | I think we should do it | |
- | | + | |
- | + | ||
- | >> 嗯,我想我們應該。 | + | |
- | + | ||
- | > 眞的嗎? | + | |
- | + | ||
- | >> 當然! | + | |
- | + | ||
- | >>> | + | |
- | 那麼,DokuWiki便會顯示成: | + | > No we shouldn' |
- | 我想我們應該這麼做 | + | >> Well, I say we should |
- | > 不,我們不該。 | + | > Really? |
- | >> | + | >> |
- | > 眞的嗎? | + | >>> Then lets do it! |
+ | </ | ||
- | >> 當然! | + | I think we should do it |
- | >>> 那就做吧! | + | > No we shouldn' |
- | ===== 表格 ===== | + | >> Well, I say we should |
- | DokuWiki建立表格的方式很簡單: | + | > Really? |
- | ^ 標題1 | + | >> Yes! |
- | | (1,1) | (1,2) | (1,3) | | + | |
- | | (2,1) | 水平合併示範(注意兩條豎線)|| | + | |
- | | (3,1) | (3,2) | (3,3) | | + | |
- | 以「%%|%%」開始與結束的是「普通欄位」,而「%%^%%」則是「標題欄位」。 | + | >>> |
- | ^ 標題1 | + | ===== Tables ===== |
- | | (1,1) | (1,2) | (1,3) | | + | |
- | | (2,1) | 水平合併示範(注意兩條豎線)|| | + | |
- | | (3,1) | (3,2) | (3,3) | | + | |
- | 要水平合併兩格或多格,只要把後方的設置爲空即可,如上面所示。請確保每行都有相同數量的分隔符。 | + | DokuWiki supports a simple syntax to create tables. |
- | 標題也可用於「垂直欄位」上: | + | ^ Heading 1 ^ Heading 2 ^ Heading 3 ^ |
+ | | Row 1 Col 1 | Row 1 Col 2 | Row 1 Col 3 | | ||
+ | | Row 2 Col 1 | some colspan (note the double pipe) || | ||
+ | | Row 3 Col 1 | Row 3 Col 2 | Row 3 Col 3 | | ||
- | | ^ 標題1 | + | Table rows have to start and end with a '' |
- | ^ 標題3 | + | |
- | ^ 標題4 | + | |
- | ^ 標題5 | + | |
- | 方法就是直接在「標題3、4、5」前面加上「%%^%%」即可。 | + | ^ Heading 1 ^ Heading 2 ^ Heading |
+ | | Row 1 Col 1 | Row 1 Col 2 | Row 1 Col 3 | | ||
+ | | Row 2 Col 1 | some colspan (note the double pipe) || | ||
+ | | Row 3 Col 1 | Row 3 Col 2 | Row 3 Col 3 | | ||
- | | ^ 標題1 | + | To connect cells horizontally, just make the next cell completely empty as shown above. Be sure to have always the same amount of cell separators! |
- | ^ 標題3 | + | |
- | ^ 標題4 | + | |
- | ^ 標題5 | + | |
- | 您也可以垂直合併兩格或多格。只要在下面的格內輸入「%%::: | + | Vertical tableheaders are possible, too. |
- | ^ 標題1 ^ 標題2 | + | | |
- | |(1,1)| 這次示範垂直合併 | + | ^ Heading |
- | |(2,1)| ::: | + | ^ Heading 4 |
- | |(3,1)| ::: |(2,3)| | + | ^ Heading 5 |
- | 除跨行合併語法「%%::: | + | As you can see, it's the cell separator before a cell which decides about the formatting: |
- | ^ 標題1 ^ 標題2 ^ 標題3 | + | |
- | |(1,1)| 這次示範垂直合併 | + | |
- | |(2,1)| ::: | + | |
- | |(3,1)| ::: |(2,3)| | + | |
- | 您還可以對齊表格的文字。只要在文本的相反方向添加至少兩個半形空格:如果要靠右對齊,在左邊添加兩個半形空格;反之,則在右邊添加。在兩邊均添加空格,即可以居中對齊。 | + | You can have rowspans (vertically connected cells) by adding '' |
- | ^ | + | ^ Heading 1 ^ Heading 2 ^ Heading 3 ^ |
- | | | + | | Row 1 Col 1 |
- | | 靠左對齊 | + | | Row 2 Col 1 |
- | | xxxxxxxxxxxx | + | | Row 3 Col 1 |
- | 下面是源文件中的樣子: | + | Apart from the rowspan syntax those cells should not contain anything else. |
- | ^ 對齊了的表格 | + | ^ Heading 1 ^ Heading 2 ^ Heading 3 ^ |
- | | | + | | Row 1 Col 1 | this cell spans vertically | Row 1 Col 3 | |
- | |靠左對齊 | + | | Row 2 Col 1 | ::: | Row 2 Col 3 | |
+ | | Row 3 Col 1 | ::: | Row 2 Col 3 | | ||
+ | |||
+ | You can align the table contents, too. Just add at least two whitespaces at the opposite end of your text: Add two spaces on the left to align right, two spaces on the right to align left and two spaces at least at both ends for centered text. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ^ Table with alignment | ||
+ | | | ||
+ | |left | | ||
+ | | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | | ||
+ | |||
+ | This is how it looks in the source: | ||
+ | |||
+ | ^ Table with alignment | ||
+ | | right| | ||
+ | |left | ||
| xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | | | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx | | ||
- | 注意:不支援垂直對齊。 | + | Note: Vertical alignment is not supported. |
- | ===== 無格式化 | + | ===== No Formatting |
- | 若有一段文字,您不要它作格式化處理,要顯示作原來的樣子,請用「%%<nowiki></ | + | If you need to display text exactly like it is typed (without any formatting), |
- | < | + | < |
+ | This is some text which contains addresses like this: http:// | ||
+ | </nowiki> | ||
+ | The same is true for %%//__this__ text// with a smiley ;-)%%. | ||
- | < | + | < |
- | 以及**加上格式的文字**,但它沒有給格式化。 | + | This is some text which contains addresses like this: http:// |
- | | + | |
+ | The same is true for %%//__this__ text// with a smiley ;-)%%. | ||
- | ===== 代碼區塊 | + | ===== Code Blocks |
- | 在文字每一行的前方加上兩個半形空格,可使該段文字以「文字方塊」方式顯示出來。在文字方塊裏,所有文字都會無格式化。您也可以用「%%<code></ | + | You can include code blocks into your documents by either indenting them by at least two spaces (like used for the previous examples) or by using the tags '' |
- | | + | |
- | 即使有**甚麼格式**標示了,它都不會[[格式化]]。 | + | |
< | < | ||
- | 這是沒有格式化的代碼,所有空格都保留下來。就像 | + | This is preformatted code all spaces are preserved: like <-this |
</ | </ | ||
< | < | ||
- | 這段也非常相似,但 | + | This is pretty much the same, but you could use it to show that you quoted a file. |
- | 您可以用它來表明 | + | |
- | | + | |
</ | </ | ||
- | 這些區塊由下面的源碼產生出來: | + | Those blocks were created by this source: |
- | | + | |
- | 即使有**甚麼格式**標示了,它都不會[[格式化]]。 | + | |
< | < | ||
- | | + | |
</ | </ | ||
< | < | ||
- | | + | |
- | 您可以用它來表明 | + | |
- | | + | |
</ | </ | ||
- | ===== 語法的高亮顯示 ===== | + | ==== Syntax Highlighting |
- | DokuWiki可把原始碼語法以高亮模式顯示,使它更易閱讀。它使用GeSHi通用語法高亮器,只要是GeSHi支援的,DokuWiki也支援。用法就類似前例的「%%< | + | [[wiki:DokuWiki]] can highlight sourcecode, which makes it easier to read. It uses the [[http:// |
<code java> | <code java> | ||
- | + | /** | |
- | /** | + | |
* The HelloWorldApp class implements an application that | * The HelloWorldApp class implements an application that | ||
* simply displays "Hello World!" | * simply displays "Hello World!" | ||
*/ | */ | ||
- | |||
class HelloWorldApp { | class HelloWorldApp { | ||
- | |||
public static void main(String[] args) { | public static void main(String[] args) { | ||
System.out.println(" | System.out.println(" | ||
行 451: | 行 418: | ||
</ | </ | ||
- | 目前支援的語言有: | + | The following language strings are currently recognized: |
- | ==== 可下載的代碼區塊 ==== | + | There are additional [[doku> |
- | 若您使用上述的「%%< | + | ==== Downloadable Code Blocks ==== |
+ | |||
+ | When you use the '' | ||
< | < | ||
行 467: | 行 436: | ||
</ | </ | ||
- | 若您不想把語法高亮顯示出,但想方便瀏覽者下載,您可以用短折號「-」作語言代碼。例如:「%%<code - myfile.foo> | + | If you don't want any highlighting but want a downloadable file, specify a dash ('' |
- | ===== 在內容中嵌入HTML或PHP語法 | + | ===== RSS/ATOM Feed Aggregation |
+ | [[DokuWiki]] can integrate data from external XML feeds. For parsing the XML feeds, [[http:// | ||
- | 您可以在文件裏加入「'' | + | ^ Parameter |
+ | | any number | will be used as maximum number items to show, defaults to 8 | | ||
+ | | reverse | ||
+ | | author | ||
+ | | date | show item dates | | ||
+ | | description| show the item description. All HTML tags will be stripped | | ||
+ | | nosort | ||
+ | | //n//[dhm] | refresh period, where d=days, h=hours, m=minutes. (e.g. 12h = 12 hours). | | ||
- | < | + | The refresh period defaults to 4 hours. Any value below 10 minutes will be treated as 10 minutes. [[wiki: |
- | 這是< | + | |
- | </html> | + | |
- | < | + | By default the feed will be sorted by date, newest items first. You can sort it by oldest first using the '' |
- | < | + | |
- | 這是< | + | |
- | </ | + | |
- | </ | + | |
- | < | + | **Example:** |
- | echo '由 PHP 所產生的 Logo:'; | + | |
- | echo '< | + | |
- | ' . php_logo_guid() . '" | + | |
- | | + | |
- | </ | + | |
- | + | ||
- | < | + | |
- | < | + | |
- | echo '由 PHP 所產生的 Logo:'; | + | |
- | echo '< | + | |
- | ' . php_logo_guid() . '" | + | |
- | | + | |
- | </ | + | |
- | </ | + | |
- | + | ||
- | **請特別注意**:您可以在[[doku> | + | |
- | + | ||
- | ===== RSS/ATOM Feed聚合 ===== | + | |
- | + | ||
- | DokuWiki能從外部XML feed中聚合數據。爲分析這些XML feed,DokuWiki使用了[[http:// | + | |
- | + | ||
- | ^ 參數 | + | |
- | | any number | 最多顯示多少項內容;預設值是8。 | | + | |
- | | reverse | + | |
- | | author | + | |
- | | date | 顯示條目數據。 | | + | |
- | | description| 顯示條目的描述;如果[[doku> | + | |
- | | //n//[dhm] | 刷新周期,其中,d=日數,h=小時數,m=分。例如,12h=12小時。 | | + | |
- | + | ||
- | 預設的刷新周期是4小時。小於10分鐘者亦視爲10分鐘。DokuWiki通常會提供頁面的暫存版,但這做法不適用於包含動態外部內容的頁面。上面的參數則告訴DokuWiki:若對上一次渲染時間已經過了// | + | |
- | + | ||
- | **範例:** | + | |
{{rss> | {{rss> | ||
行 521: | 行 460: | ||
{{rss> | {{rss> | ||
- | ===== 控制巨集 ===== | ||
- | 有些語法會影響DokuWiki對頁面的渲染,而自身不輸出任何內容。可用的控制巨集如下: | + | ===== Control Macros ===== |
- | ^ 巨集 | + | Some syntax influences how DokuWiki |
- | | %%~~NOTOC~~%% | + | |
- | | %%~~NOCACHE~~%% | DokuWiki預設會緩存所有的輸出。有時您並不希望這樣(例如您使用了上述的%%< | + | |
- | ===== 語法附加元件 ===== | + | ^ Macro ^ Description | |
+ | | %%~~NOTOC~~%% | ||
+ | | %%~~NOCACHE~~%% | DokuWiki caches all output by default. Sometimes this might not be wanted (eg. when the %%< | ||
- | 運用[[doku>zh-tw:plugins|附加元件]],可以擴充DokuWiki的語法。附加元件的安裝方法,請見其他相應頁面中說明。本wiki系統使用了下列附加元件: | + | ===== Syntax Plugins ===== |
+ | |||
+ | DokuWiki' | ||
~~INFO: | ~~INFO: | ||
+ |